Rule #1 Please, Don't Text and Concert

Hello, All! Summer is right around the corner and technically, with Memorial Day over, I say It's Here! Minor detail, it's still summer!!!! The time of year where we can run, eat, play, or do anything and everything you've been wanting to do outdoors without freezing your butt off. (NOTE: I don't know what exactly YOU want to do outside so I hold no legal obligation for your choices...) Running has not been on the list of things to do outdoors (or at all) for me this past week due to some severe stomach issues. What I thought was just a result of being hungry at the race, or the impact that putting 40+ miles on in a week can have on one's digestive system turns out was/is a BIT more serious; as in I can't ever.....for 11 days now.... How I Feel When I Can't Run Now don't worry, I'm working with my physician to figure out the culprit be it a gall bladder issue, intestinal (if that ends up being the case, then ...