Training Right With My BFF "Gym"

Hello, Everyone! So if you don't live in Wisconsin, we have had some AMAZING weather this week. I'm pretty sure my car told me it was 66 degrees at one point AND I was outside running in a tank top. Yeah! 66 in February and a tank top! Welcome to Wisconsin! While part of me felt bad for my weird, sadistic friends who enjoy snow and cold weather, I also feel like maybe someone upstairs was listening to all my whining about, "It's cold....blah, blah..." and decided to do me a kindness..or shut me up for bit. Either way, I took it and literally RAN with it. It was a GREAT week to get out and get in those training miles; be it for the Cellcom Green Bay Marathon, another event coming up, or just because you wanted to feel the sun on your face. However, in true Wisconsin winter fashion, this morning we wake up to 3" of snow, 35mph winds, and more snow to come. So today's 12 mile training run was done indoors. Fun. Back to waiting for Spr...