When Did I Get Old...ish!?!
Hey, Everyone!
It's me again. Just thought I'd clarify as one of these times I'm sure I'll find my husband has signed in and written a blog for me. Here's a hint, you'll know it's him as he's a bit more sarcastic, a tad more blunt, and uses the words, "WHEEEEEEEE!!!" and "POTATOES!!" a lot.
Sooooo....how's it going?
I realize you come here to read about how it's going for me (and hopefully get some sort of happiness or a good laugh from things). But seeing as how things have been a bit less exciting on this end recently, just thought I'd check in before I go on. And by a tad bit less exciting I mean something like the following....
Again, I'll follow this up with something like, "Yes, I know I'm lucky that I am a work-from-home parent. Yes, I do treasure the time with my kids. Yes, I know they will grow up just soooo fast I'll miss these days. Yes, I am kidding for the most part about the difficulties of being home with my children all the time. I mean, why would I miss any moment of going and sitting at an office desk, writing case notes and answering emails whilst listening to Pandora to fill the void that is the absolute quiet where no one is asking me to get them snacks, read them "Moby Dick" in its entirety, or explain the meaning of life?
Psshhhhttt....Miss it!?! That's crazy!?!
(Hmmm...maybe I meant my husband is a bit LESS sarcastic.....)
Running Life - I'm still on track to run the Cellcom Green Bay Marathon 2017 in May. But, I have had a few setbacks recently. My long mileage runs have sat a little stagnant at the 12-14 mile range, with a pass on the 16-mile training run a few week's back due to a recurrent foot issue.
Sure, I could blame genetics in some respect. But, I mean, my mom and dad are pretty awesome so no one would believe me.
Although there was that time they forgot me at Kindergarten and didn't realize it until they looked in the rearview mirror and saw me chasing the van out of the parking lot. To be fair, they did have 5 kids, and seeing as I have two and can't remember their names at some points, how many kids can you REALLY remember at one time?? Add in the fact that I was the middle child and we all know why I was left behind....
Anyway, where was I going with this? Oh yes, injuries.
It's been a few years since I've trained for a full marathon, and with that it's been while since I've been in the 30+ mileage mark consistently each week with a good chunk of that mileage happening in just 1 run. I kind of forgot how strenuous true, dedicated marathon training is.

I forgot all about that I one time in college when I walked off a cement block landing on hard concrete...and my hip. Or the time 1 week after I walked off the cement block I slipped on ice and fell down a flight of 30 stairs. (Side Note: I was talking on my phone, AND my purse flew open as this happened, exposing an array of "time of month" products at the feet of the kind, good-looking boy that helped me up all while I could hear, "Jill!?! Jill!?!" coming from my cell phone. Ahhh...good times...)
Or two weeks after "stupid cement" and "dumb stairs" I decided I STILL knew better than the doctor and kept running. I also forgot about the whole new foot injury I created overcompensating for my sore hip.
But as I've mentioned in previous blogs, I still have continued running for the last 17+ years of my life. So why is this so bothersome to me now? I have been working my way up to long runs with properly-paced training runs. I have been stretching and cross-training and building some sweet biceps along the way too.
So what's the problem!?!? Why is this time around so much harder?
I can recall a conversation I had once while training for my last full marathon with a regular at the gym I worked at. He asked me how training was going, and we talked about the same issues I am having now and how I was addressing them at that time. My response?
It's times like this that I wish I had a telephone booth time machine (and a friend name Ted, because clearly I'd be the Bill of that relationship..'cause he's short and adorable...and slightly odd...and our names are essentially the same...) could warp back a few years, and get out and shake some sense into, "I'm young! Woohoo! Let's run anyway!" Jill. (I'd also take the time machine back a few more years and stop college Jill from walking off that cement block to begin with and while I was at it make sure never dated anyone named Kyle...)
This last week, I went with my husband to get a couple of cortisone shots in his feet. He too has issues from running and playing professional rugby for a stint of this life. (Find out he actually sprained both and broke one ankle at some point and has a piece of bone just hanging out in there. And he was complaining about his feet hurting....what a wimp....)
While we were talking about how his feet were feeling a few days later, we also discovered (since at some point you just kind of stop counting) he was turning 36 this year.
I mean, I'm not turning 36 this year. Ross is waaayyy older than me (like 11 months, 11ish days older), however it did make me think...
Outside of seeking professional medical advice (of course you should if you feel you are at this point) I do have a few tips and tricks which are helping me get back to pain-free running while adding mileage.
Disclaimer - I'm NOT a doctor, physical therapist, chiropractor, personal trainer. etc.
I'm just a girl, writing a blog, asking people to love her...or really learn from her bad decisions in this case.
My first stop was to consider where I was at mileage-wise in my shoes. I knew I was a bit overdue for a new pair of training shoes as you should be changing out your shoes every 300-500 miles dependent on the surface you train on and the wear you are seeing. (But also remember, the insole of the shoe/cushioning deteriorates too. Don't just judge your shoes off the rubber bottoms).
Also, I had my absolute favorite pair and realized I wasn't rotating them out like I should between runs. If you're going out every day, make sure you are giving each pair a day to reset. Have at least 2 good pairs for shoes at all times.
So here, I changed out shoes and also changed the style, selecting a shoe with a bit more stability.
I HIGHLY recommend going to a running shoe store like Runaway Shoes and at least having them assess the type of shoe you should wear. Seriously, it's worth your time and $$ to go in and try things on rather than just ordering online and praying.
Consider Your Running Surface
For me, I found that the gradation of the rural roads where I live have been having a major impact on which foot is doing much of the work. For safety reasons, I run against traffic, (AS SHOULD YOU AND ALSO WEAR REFLECTIVE GEAR!!! - my pet peeve as a runner...having to explain to people that we aren't all douche noodles running 3 wide down the middle of the road in the dark in all black with no lights or reflection....you know who you are....but moving on....) and one foot is always taking the brunt of the problem.
I switch things up now, doing a few runs on the treadmill, and my long runs I take to the city trails. (East River Trail is still my favorite, even if the Fox River Trail has an ice cream shop on it. Mmmm....ice cream.....maybe I can be persuaded....)
Off Days & Changeups
At one point in my life, I would run 6 or more miles every day. EVERY. DAY. Maybe you do this, and if so, I'm happy you can. But for me, I have found as I get older, I really REALLY need my day off of all activities (rest day), and I need my cross-training days to work those specific muscle groups that I'm not directly hitting when running.
I have always lifted and cross-trained as I do enjoy kickboxing and in turn showing off my lack of coordination. But I felt I could really benefit by challenging myself.
At first, I was pretty sure the X is for "X-tremely painful", or "X-tremely incapable of walking the next day". But now in week 4, I see how much of a difference in my core and lower body strength this class is making. My running posture is stronger which helps to ensure I am running/landing properly and thus avoiding further injury.
Warmups & Cool Downs
Truth. I am TERRIBLE at this part of my workout. Why?
In one word: Kids. In two words: Mom Guilt
I have a time limit to all my workouts. Sometimes out of necessity (how long can I really run for before my child attempts to bail from the stroller at a high speed).
But at all times, it's out of guilt.
If I get a long run in, or I get a day where I'm doing a mid-run and strength/cork work, I feel so bad about how long I've made my child(ren) sit at the sitter or at the gym childcare, I rush the rest. I rush the most important part of my entire workout because in my mind, I see stretching and warmup as "wasting" my preset workout time.
I know some of you feel me on this. And if not from kids, it's because we keep ourselves so busy all the time, rushing place to place that we're always on a time crunch. (Don't even get me started on our work ethics in this country; specifically maternity leave laws...)
I don't have a magic answer around this area of my training yet. BUT I have been making sure to get a warmup in (even just a 1/4 mile walk/stretch before running) and then stretching at home with my little one post-workout. I also am trying to take one cross-training day each week and make it a yoga day or stretching day in general.
Ask Your Runner Friends (aka "The Experts") For Help
This last week, I was talking to my running buddy Uncle Jan during one of our usual Sunday morning after church "What mileage are you at? How is training going?" chats. I told him about my foot issues, and he showed me a lacing technique to add stability to my shoe.
Combined with all my other efforts, this new lacing method gave me the little extra stability I needed for my right ankle. I ran a 12 and 8.5 miler relatively pain free in the last week which was AMAZING!
Outside of learning new things, talking running with those who've "Been There, Ran that" not only reminds me why I love this sport, but also reminds me that all runners regardless of experience and skill set face some hurdles. It's common, and being injured doesn't mean you are a "bad" runner. Knowing that others literally feel your pain and have overcome it can help you mentally overcome your running challenges as well.
So that's it. Just a few things that I have been trying recently to regain my confidence and overcome injury. I know that I'll get there and I'm excited to see the improvements continue as I take the time to treat my body right.
I know that as I become more and more physically ready for this race, my mind will meet me there too.
Make today the best day yet!
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"Wheee! Potatoes!!" |
Sooooo....how's it going?
I realize you come here to read about how it's going for me (and hopefully get some sort of happiness or a good laugh from things). But seeing as how things have been a bit less exciting on this end recently, just thought I'd check in before I go on. And by a tad bit less exciting I mean something like the following....
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Because sharing is caring...and also stops the screaming for awhile... |
Again, I'll follow this up with something like, "Yes, I know I'm lucky that I am a work-from-home parent. Yes, I do treasure the time with my kids. Yes, I know they will grow up just soooo fast I'll miss these days. Yes, I am kidding for the most part about the difficulties of being home with my children all the time. I mean, why would I miss any moment of going and sitting at an office desk, writing case notes and answering emails whilst listening to Pandora to fill the void that is the absolute quiet where no one is asking me to get them snacks, read them "Moby Dick" in its entirety, or explain the meaning of life?
Psshhhhttt....Miss it!?! That's crazy!?!
(Hmmm...maybe I meant my husband is a bit LESS sarcastic.....)
Anyway....on with the blog.... :)
Running Life - I'm still on track to run the Cellcom Green Bay Marathon 2017 in May. But, I have had a few setbacks recently. My long mileage runs have sat a little stagnant at the 12-14 mile range, with a pass on the 16-mile training run a few week's back due to a recurrent foot issue.
Sure, I could blame genetics in some respect. But, I mean, my mom and dad are pretty awesome so no one would believe me.
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My parents & me When I got all smarts and gradumicated and stuff |
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Yep. |
It's been a few years since I've trained for a full marathon, and with that it's been while since I've been in the 30+ mileage mark consistently each week with a good chunk of that mileage happening in just 1 run. I kind of forgot how strenuous true, dedicated marathon training is.

I also kind of forgot about a few bad decisions I had made in the past...
I forgot all about that I one time in college when I walked off a cement block landing on hard concrete...and my hip. Or the time 1 week after I walked off the cement block I slipped on ice and fell down a flight of 30 stairs. (Side Note: I was talking on my phone, AND my purse flew open as this happened, exposing an array of "time of month" products at the feet of the kind, good-looking boy that helped me up all while I could hear, "Jill!?! Jill!?!" coming from my cell phone. Ahhh...good times...)
Or two weeks after "stupid cement" and "dumb stairs" I decided I STILL knew better than the doctor and kept running. I also forgot about the whole new foot injury I created overcompensating for my sore hip.
Moral of the story: Jill is clumsy. Jill made bad running decisions. Don't be like Jill.
But as I've mentioned in previous blogs, I still have continued running for the last 17+ years of my life. So why is this so bothersome to me now? I have been working my way up to long runs with properly-paced training runs. I have been stretching and cross-training and building some sweet biceps along the way too.
So what's the problem!?!? Why is this time around so much harder?
I can recall a conversation I had once while training for my last full marathon with a regular at the gym I worked at. He asked me how training was going, and we talked about the same issues I am having now and how I was addressing them at that time. My response?
"I don't know. I'm just kind of stretching, hydrating, and running through it."
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Just keep going. I mean, what could happen!?! |
Running through it?!?! Really?!?

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Much better. |
While we were talking about how his feet were feeling a few days later, we also discovered (since at some point you just kind of stop counting) he was turning 36 this year.
I mean, I'm not turning 36 this year. Ross is waaayyy older than me (like 11 months, 11ish days older), however it did make me think...
"Ugh. When did I (we) get old...ish?!!?"
I realized then that this is the exact reason I am having more problems now than I did in the past with overcoming the foot issues. I am in fact old....ish....and can no longer just, "Run through it" like I did before kids and time took their toll on my body.
So what can I do?
And no the answer is not, "Stop Running." You might as well tell me to stop breathing, crawl in a hole, and live a life as a sad, sad troll.
Okay, that's a little dramatic, but you get the point.
Running is my happy place.
Outside of seeking professional medical advice (of course you should if you feel you are at this point) I do have a few tips and tricks which are helping me get back to pain-free running while adding mileage.
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Yeah, what Jerry said... |
Disclaimer - I'm NOT a doctor, physical therapist, chiropractor, personal trainer. etc.
I'm just a girl, writing a blog, asking people to love her...or really learn from her bad decisions in this case.
My first stop was to consider where I was at mileage-wise in my shoes. I knew I was a bit overdue for a new pair of training shoes as you should be changing out your shoes every 300-500 miles dependent on the surface you train on and the wear you are seeing. (But also remember, the insole of the shoe/cushioning deteriorates too. Don't just judge your shoes off the rubber bottoms).
Also, I had my absolute favorite pair and realized I wasn't rotating them out like I should between runs. If you're going out every day, make sure you are giving each pair a day to reset. Have at least 2 good pairs for shoes at all times.
So here, I changed out shoes and also changed the style, selecting a shoe with a bit more stability.
I HIGHLY recommend going to a running shoe store like Runaway Shoes and at least having them assess the type of shoe you should wear. Seriously, it's worth your time and $$ to go in and try things on rather than just ordering online and praying.
Consider Your Running Surface
For me, I found that the gradation of the rural roads where I live have been having a major impact on which foot is doing much of the work. For safety reasons, I run against traffic, (AS SHOULD YOU AND ALSO WEAR REFLECTIVE GEAR!!! - my pet peeve as a runner...having to explain to people that we aren't all douche noodles running 3 wide down the middle of the road in the dark in all black with no lights or reflection....you know who you are....but moving on....) and one foot is always taking the brunt of the problem.
I switch things up now, doing a few runs on the treadmill, and my long runs I take to the city trails. (East River Trail is still my favorite, even if the Fox River Trail has an ice cream shop on it. Mmmm....ice cream.....maybe I can be persuaded....)
Off Days & Changeups
At one point in my life, I would run 6 or more miles every day. EVERY. DAY. Maybe you do this, and if so, I'm happy you can. But for me, I have found as I get older, I really REALLY need my day off of all activities (rest day), and I need my cross-training days to work those specific muscle groups that I'm not directly hitting when running.
I have always lifted and cross-trained as I do enjoy kickboxing and in turn showing off my lack of coordination. But I felt I could really benefit by challenging myself.
Enter TRX.
At first, I was pretty sure the X is for "X-tremely painful", or "X-tremely incapable of walking the next day". But now in week 4, I see how much of a difference in my core and lower body strength this class is making. My running posture is stronger which helps to ensure I am running/landing properly and thus avoiding further injury.
Warmups & Cool Downs
Truth. I am TERRIBLE at this part of my workout. Why?
In one word: Kids. In two words: Mom Guilt
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Not something I feel Mom Guilt about Sorry, not sorry. |
I have a time limit to all my workouts. Sometimes out of necessity (how long can I really run for before my child attempts to bail from the stroller at a high speed).
But at all times, it's out of guilt.
If I get a long run in, or I get a day where I'm doing a mid-run and strength/cork work, I feel so bad about how long I've made my child(ren) sit at the sitter or at the gym childcare, I rush the rest. I rush the most important part of my entire workout because in my mind, I see stretching and warmup as "wasting" my preset workout time.
I know some of you feel me on this. And if not from kids, it's because we keep ourselves so busy all the time, rushing place to place that we're always on a time crunch. (Don't even get me started on our work ethics in this country; specifically maternity leave laws...)
I don't have a magic answer around this area of my training yet. BUT I have been making sure to get a warmup in (even just a 1/4 mile walk/stretch before running) and then stretching at home with my little one post-workout. I also am trying to take one cross-training day each week and make it a yoga day or stretching day in general.
(Side note: Look to future weeks for a blog all about this topic of mom guilt...)
Ask Your Runner Friends (aka "The Experts") For Help
This last week, I was talking to my running buddy Uncle Jan during one of our usual Sunday morning after church "What mileage are you at? How is training going?" chats. I told him about my foot issues, and he showed me a lacing technique to add stability to my shoe.
And guess what?!?! It worked!
Combined with all my other efforts, this new lacing method gave me the little extra stability I needed for my right ankle. I ran a 12 and 8.5 miler relatively pain free in the last week which was AMAZING!
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Running IS a TEAM sport |
So that's it. Just a few things that I have been trying recently to regain my confidence and overcome injury. I know that I'll get there and I'm excited to see the improvements continue as I take the time to treat my body right.
I know that as I become more and more physically ready for this race, my mind will meet me there too.
Make today the best day yet!
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